
DAV-AUT-fa2 - by Prof. Dr. Carsten Bolm - RWTH Aachen University

Bolm_Wiezorek_Bremerich_Krauskopf_RWTH_DAV-AUT-fa2-1.pdf (71.9 KB) Bolm_Wiezorek_Bremerich_Krauskopf_RWTH_DAV_AUT-fa2-1 2 3 4 (pages 1 2) (1).pdf (131.6 KB)

This was massive effort put together by Prof. Carsten Bolm and his collaborators at Aachen University. They were so effective that they organized a laboratory challenge over the weekend and designed more than 10 synthetic routes for all compounds for the AUT-DAV series in just 24 hours.