
Submission MAT-POS-968e8d9c

Topic automatically created for discussing the designs at:

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Are you making them by stereoselctive synthesis or resolution/chiral column?
Might be worth checking their stability in terms of optical purity-you can incubate them in media and then check by chiral HPLC for example and there are ways around this (placing a F or Me on the benzylic position that might scramble). The last thing you want is racemisation
I’ve been chatting with a chiral separation company, as a colleague from France wanted some info. I can make an introduction if you like…

Hi @JSPEN, they are being separated by column since Enamine had the racemate screening compound in stock. And thanks for the offer, I’ll check with the others if we have this covered.

Also, thanks for the suggestion – the submissions have seen a couple of suggestions for stabilizing that position.