Dear Manifold developers,
first of all, great tool, great interface, awesome!
the cherry on the cake would be to also provide an interface via a KNIME node for the search.
Similar to what is around for some of the included vendors like molport or chemspace already,
Input: SMILES or Inchi
-Synthesis/Exact/Similarity/Substructure Search
-in-stock or/and on-demand Compounds included
Output: Compound SMILES / Inchi / Vendor / Vendor-ID
best regards,
Thanks @jan_wollenhaupt for the detailed outline of the feature! We will definitely look into the ease of exposing our interface to KNIME.
Hi Jan/Matt,
Can I suggest to expose it as an API, so we could also use it from python/rdkit, pipeline pilot…?
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Thanks, @bart.lenselink,
Great suggestion! I have to admit that I am not as familiar with KNIME as I should be – but from an initial look through, the hope is that we can simply make a RESTful API easy to use in python and other tools, that can also be rolled into KNIME.
Thanks again for the comments,
Dear Manifold developers,
just wondering if this is on the agenda or maybe even already available soon? 
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Thanks @jan_wollenhaupt, let me check in with @emripka about KNIME development. Most users have been happy with calling the API from python, but I’ll note this request again with our team.